Tailored to corporate M&A and private finance professionals

kicker.cloud combines the latest technologies and deep domain knowledge with an outstanding user experience, providing the only solution you need to execute your deals in a data-driven way.

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Icon of a briefcase representing Corporate M&A with a description about managing M&A activities and reporting.

Corporate M&A

Product superiority tailored to organisational usage

Track new opportunities, manage acquisitions, divestments & integrations, and provide real-time reporting to all relevant stakeholders.

Graphic about product superiority for corporate M&A with a timeline from August to December showing various tasks, and a description about tracking opportunities and managing acquisitions.
Icon of a person with a description about being purpose-built for corporate M&A with relevant features.

Purpose built and AI trained specifically for M&A including all (and only) relevant features for the use case

Icon of a lightning bolt with a description about focusing on user experience and seamless onboarding.

Focus on user experience, ensuring seamless onboarding for any new user

Icon of a lock with a description about emphasizing information security with ISO 27001 certification and cybersecurity initiatives.

Strong emphasis on information security, evidenced by ISO 27001 certification and several cyber security initiatives

Graphic about counterparty insights with profiles of Matthew Jones, CTO @ kicker.cloud, and Heini Salonen, CEO @ kicker.cloud, emphasizing managing counterparties and a graphic about operating fast with a single solution, showing a world map with connected nodes.
Icon of speech bubbles representing Advisors (Beta) with a description about managing relationships and transactions.

Advisors (Beta)

Increase your market intelligence and execute projects faster

Discover the intelligent way of managing relationships, originating new deals, and managing complex transactions involving multiple counterparties and strict timelines.

Icon of a wand with a description about automating initial analysis of targets.

Automate and speed up targeted parts of your analysis

Icon of a bell with a description about getting notified when targets publish new financials.

Stay up to date and coordinated on important updates across your organisation

Icon of a project management board with a description about automating project management for clients.

Take advantage of previously completed work to automate common workflows

Icon of a money bag representing Private Equity (Beta) with a description about managing PE portfolios and investments.

Private Equity (Beta)

Introduce an intelligent workflow to your deals to make smarter decisions whilst getting more done

Take advantage of your proprietary data and AI in your investment activities.

Graphic about Private Equity (Beta) introducing intelligent automation for deal flow, featuring a line graph with key events and a meeting schedule with Heini Salonen.
Icon of an eye with a description about analyzing new opportunities faster than competitors.

Find and analyse new opportunities faster

Icon of a refresh symbol with a description about automating workflows for a continuous PE practice.

Automate workflows and create a PE practice that never stops

Icon of a document with a description about providing high-quality analysis and insights to stakeholders, stress-free.

Provide high-quality analysis and insights to stakeholders, stress-free

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about how kicker.cloud is transforming the private finance industry.
